Investing in Development

The conflicting goals of production and nature have always caused problems, ever since the early days of civilisation. Learning how to properly manage the land is the only way to ensure that the environment is conserved, and to optimise what is left of the world’s fertile farmland. With urgent investment needed in the agricultural industries of emergent nations, Roxlena provides clients the opportunity to finance positive, environmental change.

According to the research from the Economics of Land Degradation, global food production has the potential to fall by 12% by the year 2050, without a significant amount of investment and education in toiling the land responsibly. Help from the private sector will be crucial, as the ELD has estimated that it costs €3.4 trillion each year just to cover the loss of land due to degradation already, further destruction will have a big impact on future food prices.

Partners of the ELD provide business advice, identifying the areas that will benefit from investment the most and will create the biggest impact in the prevention of land degradation. Successful investment will mean cooperating with these partners and implementing effective land management plans to their specifications.

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